Tools & services

Currently, there are two major tools to begin with as part of Phase 1 which includes a project communication & collaboration tool as well as general user commands in a discord bot. More functionality will be released as part of the ongoing product development and pipeline... You never know when the next 'BOLT' will strike next!


Project admins: Advertise collaboration opportunities for your projects, as well as viewing and confirming interest in other project collaboration opportunities via our bot inside discord.

NFT holders: Link your wallet to your BOLT account, track your Whitelists for projects and automatically receive your WL tokens, giveaway prizes, have your wallet address submitted for WL, so you never worry about missing this


Search for the rarity of any NFT from any collection

Let you snipe NFTs immediately with pre-set instructions


Track and reward your holders or community members based on their social media engagement, all through the Bolt tool (see a leaderboard, allocate and automatically airdrop prizes every 2 weeks etc, or let them claim)


Project Admins: Allow project owners/admins to use a discord bot to tip users (they select token SPL/SOL, amount and recipient). The bot will direct the admin to BOLT dashboard where a phantom transaction will pop-up and ask them to approve the payment to their recipient/users. The recipient must have their wallet linked to their BOLT account and discord ID, and the transaction will be to their main linked wallet on BOLT. We are not using BOLT burner wallets, the project will have their wallet they are signed in with (OR should this be their linked wallet?)

NFT holders: The bot requires an account creation linked to your discord, after which individual users can link multiple wallets, but must select a main wallet. The main wallet will receive the tips from projects automatically. WE WILL EXPLORE ALLOWING HOLDERS TO TIP OTHER HOLDERS VIA THE BOT TOO.

Individual holder actions: connect wallet so wallet address can automatically be pulled by the bot as the recipient address and ensure they don't miss out


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